
Extended File Formats

These are some of the extended file formats used in TerreSculptor.

RAW RPL Parameter List File Additional Entries

Sample-type = signed-byte, unsigned-byte, signed-short, unsigned-short, signed-integer, unsigned-integer, signed-long, unsigned-long, signed-single, unsigned-single, signed-double, unsigned-double

Interleaved = no or false, yes or true

Channels = 1 to 256

TerreSculptor TSmap Heightmap Format

The TSmap file format is a basic headered binary format for storing a floating-point heightmap.

File ID: “TerreSculptor”000
Type ID: “TSmap”00000000000
Version: 0x0200
Width: datamap width 32-bit integer
Length: datamap length 32-bit integer
Compression: whether the file data is compressed, 0 = no compression (default), 1 = gzip compression
DataType: 0 = 32-bit floating-point
Scale X,Y,Z: units scale size for the pixels, default 100.0,100.0,100.0 cm
Comment: a 32-character comment string
Thumbnail: a 128×128 raw 8-bit grayscale bitmap
Data: either a stream of flat datamap float values or a gzip binary compressed byte stream

Truevision Targa TGA 16-bit Grayscale and 32-Bit Float Formats

Note: Photoshop does not support these Extended TGA File Formats of 16-Bit Grayscale and 32-Bit Grayscale.

TGA 16-bit Grayscale Integer

– The header properties already natively support the necessary values to support this extended file format.
– The ImageType header property should be set to ‘3’ Black and White Uncompressed or ’11’ Black and White RLE Compressed depending on compression usage.
– The Bits-Per-Pixel header property should be set to ’16’.
– The Image Data block should contain ImageWidth x ImageLength Unsigned 16-bit Integers (UShorts) with a value range of 0…65535 per pixel.

TGA 32-bit Grayscale Float

– The header properties already natively support the necessary values to support this extended file format.
– The ImageType header property should be set to ‘3’ Black and White Uncompressed or ’11’ Black and White RLE Compressed depending on compression usage.
– The Bits-Per-Pixel header property should be set to ’32’.
– The Image Data block should contain ImageWidth x ImageLength Unsigned 32-bit Singles (Floats) with a value range of 0.0…1.0 per pixel. Other value ranges should not be used.