
TerreSculptor 4.0 Features and Specifications

To see the full information on the software, download the Reference Manual from the Free Assets Drive.

Language: currently English only

3D World Size: 10,485,760 units

Maximum Heightmap Size: 1 million × 1 million. Internal engine size: 2 billion × 2 billion.

Maximum PNG [new] LibPNG File Format Size: 1 million × 1 million
Maximum TIF [new] LibTIF File Format Size: 240,000 × 240,000
Maximum TSmap File Format Size: 512 million × 512 million

Maximum Windows API Bitmap Size (BMP GIF JPG JRX PNG TIF):
- 8-bit Color Indexed, 2GB max, 46340 × 46340
- 8-bit Grayscale, 2GB max, 46340 × 46340
- 16-bit Grayscale, 2GB max, 32767 × 32767
- 24-bit RGB Color, 2GB max, 26754 × 26754
- 32-bit RGBA Color, 2GB max, 23170 × 23170
- 48-bit RGB Color, 2GB max, 18918 × 18918
- 64-bit RGBA Color, 2GB max, 16383 × 16383

Maximum Device External File Size for Blend, Brush, Combine, Displace, and Shaper devices:
- PNG: 1 million × 1 million
- TIF: 240,000 × 240,000
- TSmap: 1 million × 1 million

Maximum Tools Size:
- Bitplane Creator 23170 × 23170
- Contour Creator 26754 × 26754
- Layer Creator 1 million × 1 million
- Normalmap Creator 1 million × 1 million
- Splatmap Creator 23170 × 23170
- Tile Image Creator Grayscale or RGB or RGBA (as listed above)
- Tile Datamap Creator 1 million × 1 million
- Mask Editor 8-bit or 16-bit Grayscale (as listed above)
- Weightmap Extractors 1 million × 1 million

3D Viewport Maximum Terrain Mesh Size: 8192 × 8192
3D Viewport Maximum Texture Plane Resolution: 16384 × 16384

Skin Themes: 56

Cores or Threads Maximum: 1024, Internal engine is unlimited threads.
SIMD Support: Yes

Editor Features
- Multi-Level Event Logging
- Multi-Level Undo

Terrain Stack
- Non-Destructive Editing
- 999 Stack Items
- 16 Groups
- Per-Item Masks
- Multiple Build Methods
- Group Build Priority
- Supports every Device

Topology Tools
- Copy Cut Region
- Deform Region
- Extend Tile
- Merge Heightmap
- 3D Viewport Gizmos and Widgets
- Full Undo

Mapper Explorer
- Navigate the entire earth
- Download real-world heightmap digital elevation models
- Favorites for bookmarking earth locations
- Navigate via Latitude and Longitude

Topography Explorer
- Navigate the entire earth
- Download real-world contour, street, and satellite maps
- Navigate via Latitude and Longitude

Command-Line Interpreter
- Load Project files
- Load Terrain files
- Convert more than 65 file formats
- Support through Batch Files

Color Selection (Backdrop, Fog, Lights, Water, etc.): Unlimited
- 70 Predefined (multiple groups)
- System
- Web
- Web-Safe
- Custom User RGB Color Pick Selection

Control Devices: 2
- CopyDatamap
- NewDatamap

File Devices: 2
- LoadDatamap
- SaveDatamap

Generator Devices: 20
- Constant Value
- Filled Circle Shape
- Filled Diamond Shape
- Filled Quadrilateral Shape
- Filled Rectangle Shape
- Filled Square Shape
- Filled Triangle Shape
- Gradient Border
- Gradient Diagonal
- Gradient Gaussian
- Gradient Horizontal
- Gradient Linear
- Gradient Pyramid
- Gradient Radial
- Gradient Vertical
- Pattern Brick (3 Types)
- Pattern Checker
- Pattern Stripes
- Shape Pulse
- Shape Sinewave

Noise Generator Devices: 10
- Billow Noisemap
- BoxMuller Noisemap
- Gaussian Noisemap
- Gradient Noisemap
- Perlin Noisemap
- Random Noisemap
- Ridged Noisemap
- Simplex Noisemap
- Value Noisemap
- Voronoi Noisemap

Weightmap Extractor Devices: 14
- Altitude Mask
- Concavity Mask
- Convexity Mask
- Curve Min Mask
- Curve Max Mask
- Direction Mask
- Flowline Mask
- Flowmap Mask
- High Frequency Mask
- Low Frequency Mask
- Slope Mask
- Steep Mask
- Uphill Mask
- Composite (Multi)

Biome Devices (Weightmaps and Splatmap): 4
- Beach Island
- Beach Mountain
- Meadow Mountain
- Region Painter

Adjust Devices: 6
- Flip Horizontally
- Flip Vertically
- Rotate 90 Clockwise
- Rotate 90 Counterclockwise
- Rotate 180
- Rotate Custom

Filter Devices: 17
- Auto Exposure
- Blur
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Convolution Filter
- DeNoise Pixel Range
- DeNoise Pixel Remove
- Dilate
- Erode
- Exposure
- Gamma
- Intensity
- Lens Warp
- MinMax
- Sinewave
- Smooth
- Spin

Modify Devices: 18
- Altitude
- Altitude Top
- Altitude Top Center
- Altitude Center
- Altitude Bottom Center
- Altitude Bottom
- Bias Gain Level
- Border
- Clamp
- Crop
- Downsample
- Exponent
- Feedback
- Interpolate
- Invert
- Normalize
- Resample
- Size

Transform Devices: 22
- Add Noise
- BitLevel
- Center
- Despike
- Displace
- Equalize
- Fill Region
- Flatten Edges
- Flood Level
- Mirror
- Offset
- Peak Compressor
- Pixelate
- Replace
- Smear
- Stretch
- Threshold
- Tileable
- Tilt
- Transform
- Void Fill
- Void Fix

Geology Devices: 12
- Beach
- Blend
- Brush (Alpha Brush)
- Combine
- Crater
- Dozer
- Pather
- Planetize
- Reshape
- Shaper
- Stratify
- Terrace

Erosion Devices: 5
- Erosion Dune
- Erosion Hydraulic
- Erosion Rain
- Erosion Slope
- Erosion Thermal

Creation Tools and Extra Tools
- Bitplane Creator (RGB, RGBA)
- Colorset Creator
- Contour Creator
- Layer Creator
- Mapper Explorer
- Mask Editor
- Normalmap Creator
- Splatmap Creator (supports RGX, RGBX, RGBAK)
- Tile Image Creator (export image or heightmap as tiles, 1000×1000 max)
- Tile Datamap Creator (export heightmap or mesh as tiles, 1000×1000 max)
- Tile Importer (import 5x5 tiles)
- Tile XYZ Importer (import unlimited TMS/XYZ tiles)
- Topography Explorer

- Autodesk Max Batch Optimize File Renamer

Direct Game Engine Support
- CryEngine 3
- Godot Engine
- Strike Engine
- Unity Engine
- Unreal Engine 2
- Unreal Engine 3
- Unreal Engine 4
- Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine Landscape Sizes: 4 sets
- All (up to 8161 × 8161)
- Recommended (127 × 127  to 8129 × 8129)
- World Composition (up to 8129 × 8129 in 52 × 52 tiles)
- World Partition (up to 65536 × 65536)

Scene Cameras:
- Orbit Camera
- Free Camera
- WASD Camera (Alpha)
- Camera Bookmarks

Scene Lights:
- Ambient Light
- Directional Light

Scene Grids:
- Home Grid
- 8 User Grids

Scene Designer: Yes

Scene Fog: 3 types
- Linear blend
- Exponential Blend
- Exponential Squared

Scene Backdrops: 5 types
- Cube Single Color
- Cube Gradient Color
- Cube Textured
- Skydome Textured
- Skyplane Textured

Scene Water Plane: 2 types
- Color
- Texture

Terrain Materials
- Detail Texture (with UV tiling)
- Grayscale
- 16-bit Gradient Colorset (with full Colorset editor)
- 2/3/4/5 Texture Splatmap Colormap
- Single Texture (with UV tiling and Color)
- Auto-Material RGBAK Colormap

Native File Formats
- TSworld project
- TSmap heightmap
- Terrain Stack
- Custom Colorsets
- Convolution Device Properties
- Equalize Device Properties
- Erosion Device Properties
- Noisemap Generator Properties

Image File Formats: 41
- BMP 8-bit Indexed
- BMP 24-bit RGB
- BMP 32-bit RGB
- GIF 8-bit Indexed
- JPG 8-bit Grayscale
- JPG 24-bit RGB
- JXR 8-bit Grayscale
- JXR 16-bit Grayscale
- JXR 32-bit Grayscale Float
- JXR 16-bit BGR 5:5:5
- JXR 16-bit BGR 5:6:5
- JXR 30-bit BGR 10:10:10
- JXR 24-bit BGR
- JXR 24-bit RGB
- JXR 32-bit BGR
- JXR 32-bit BGRA
- JXR 48-bit RGB
- JXR 64-bit RGB
- JXR 128-bit RGB Float
- JXR 128-bit RGBA Float
- PNG 8-bit Grayscale
- PNG 16-bit Grayscale
- PNG 8-bit Indexed RGB
- PNG 24-bit RGB
- PNG 32-bit RGBA
- PNG 48-bit RGB
- PNG 64-bit RGB
- TIF 8-bit Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Float
- TIF 64-bit Float
- TIF 8-bit Palette
- TIF 24-bit RGB
- TIF 32-bit RGBA
- TIF 48-bit RGB
- TIF 64-bit RGBA

Mask File Formats: 37
- BMP 8-bit Indexed
- BMP 24-bit RGB
- BMP 32-bit RGB
- GIF 8-bit Indexed
- JPG 8-bit Grayscale
- JPG 24-bit RGB
- PNG 8-bit Grayscale
- PNG 16-bit Grayscale
- PNG 8-bit Indexed RGB
- PNG 24-bit RGB
- PNG 32-bit RGBA
- PNG 48-bit RGB
- PNG 64-bit RGBA
- R8 8-bit Raw
- R16 16-bit Raw
- RAW 8-bit Raw
- RAW 16-bit Raw
- TGA 8-bit Colormap
- TGA 8-bit Grayscale
- TGA 16-bit Grayscale
- TGA 32-bit Grayscale
- TGA 24-bit RGB
- TGA 32-bit RGBA
- TIF 8-bit Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit UnSigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Float
- TIF 64-bit Float
- TIF 8-bit Palette
- TIF 24-bit RGB
- TIF 32-bit RGBA
- TIF 48-bit RGB
- TIF 64-bit RGBA

Digital Elevation Model File Formats: 22
- BIL 8-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 16-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 32-bit Binary DEM
- BT 16-bit Binary Terrain
- DEM VistaPro DEM
- FLT GridFloat DEM
- GeoTIFF 8-bit DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit UnSigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit UnSigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit UnSigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM Tiled
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Float DEM

Mesh File Formats: 8
- 3DS Autodesk 3DS Mesh
- ASE Autodesk Scene Export
- FBX Autodesk ASCII Mesh 7.4.0
- OBJ Alias Object Mesh
- STL StereoLitho ASCII
- STL StereoLitho Binary
- T3D Epic 3D Terrain

Import File Formats: 164
- BMP 8-bit Indexed
- BMP 24-bit RGB
- BMP 32-bit RGB
- BMP Epic 16-bit Grayscale
- GIF 1-bit Indexed
- GIF 2-bit Indexed
- GIF 3-bit Indexed
- GIF 4-bit Indexed
- GIF 5-bit Indexed
- GIF 6-bit Indexed
- GIF 7-bit Indexed
- GIF 8-bit Indexed
- JPG 8-bit Grayscale
- JPG 24-bit RGB
- JPG 32-bit CMYK
- JXR 8-bit Grayscale
- JXR 16-bit Grayscale
- JXR 32-bit Grayscale Float
- JXR 16-bit BGR 5:5:5
- JXR 16-bit BGR 5:6:5
- JXR 30-bit BGR 10:10:10
- JXR 24-bit BGR
- JXR 24-bit RGB
- JXR 32-bit BGR
- JXR 32-bit BGRA
- JXR 48-bit RGB
- JXR 64-bit RGB
- JXR 128-bit RGB Float
- JXR 128-bit RGBA Float
- PNG BlackAndWhite
- PNG 2-bit Grayscale
- PNG 4-bit Grayscale
- PNG 8-bit Grayscale
- PNG 16-bit Grayscale
- PNG 16-bit Grayscale UE5 Tiles
- PNG 1-bit Indexed
- PNG 2-bit Indexed
- PNG 4-bit Indexed
- PNG 8-bit Indexed
- PNG 24-bit RGB
- PNG 32-bit RGBA
- PNG 48-bit RGB
- PNG 64-bit RGBA
- TIF BlackAndWhite
- TIF 4-bit Grayscale
- TIF 8-bit Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Float
- TIF 64-bit Float
- TIF 1-bit Indexed
- TIF 4-bit Indexed
- TIF 8-bit Indexed
- TIF 24-bit RGB
- TIF 32-bit CMYK
- TIF 32-bit RGBA
- TIF 48-bit RGB
- TIF 64-bit RGBA
- TIF 128-bit RGBA Float
- BIL 8-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 16-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 32-bit Binary DEM
- BLW DEM World File
- BT 16-bit Binary Terrain
- DEM VistaPro DEM
- FLT GridFloat DEM
- GeoTIFF 8-bit DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM Tiled
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Float DEM
- HDR DEM Header File
- OBJ Alias Object Mesh
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 BW
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G8
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G8A
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G16
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G16A
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGB24
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGBA32
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGB48
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGBA64
- PBM Portable Bitmap P1 BW
- PBM Portable Bitmap P4 BW
- PFM Portable Floatmap Pf G32
- PFM Portable Floatmap PF RGB96
- PGM Portable Graymap P2 G8
- PGM Portable Graymap P2 G16
- PGM Portable Graymap P5 G8
- PGM Portable Graymap P5 G16
- PNM Portable Anymap (21 formats)
- PPM Portable Pixmap P3 RGB24
- PPM Portable Pixmap P3 RGB48
- PPM Portable Pixmap P6 RGB24
- PPM Portable Pixmap P6 RGB48
- PRJ DEM Projection File
- R8 8-bit RAW
- R8 8-bit RAW Interleaved
- R16 signed 16-bit RAW
- R16 signed 16-bit RAW Interleaved
- R16 unsigned 16-bit RAW
- R16 unsigned 16-bit RAW Interleaved
- R32 signed 32-bit RAW
- R32 signed 32-bit RAW Interleaved
- R32 unsigned 32-bit RAW
- R32 unsigned 32-bit RAW Interleaved
- R64 signed 64-bit RAW
- R64 signed 64-bit RAW Interleaved
- R64 unsigned 64-bit RAW
- R64 unsigned 64-bit RAW Interleaved
- RAW 8-bit
- RAW 8-bit Interleaved
- RAW signed 16-bit
- RAW signed 16-bit Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 16-bit
- RAW unsigned 16-bit Interleaved
- RAW signed 32-bit Integer
- RAW signed 32-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 32-bit  Integer
- RAW unsigned 32-bit  Integer Interleaved
- RAW signed 64-bit Integer
- RAW signed 64-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Integer
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW signed 32-bit Float
- RAW signed 32-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Float
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW signed 64-bit Float
- RAW signed 64-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Float
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Float Interleaved
- RGB16 16-bit PNG RGB Heightmap
- RBG24 24-bit PNG RGB Heightmap
- SB SignedByte RAW
- STL StereoLitho ASCII
- STL StereoLitho Binary
- TER Terragen Terrain
- TGA 8-bit Colormap
- TGA 8-bit Grayscale
- TGA 16-bit Grayscale
- TGA 32-bit Grayscale
- TGA 15-bit 1555 RGB
- TGA 16-bit 565 RGB
- TGA 24-bit RGB
- TGA 32-bit RGBA
- XML 8-bit Byte
- XML 16-bit Unsigned Short
- XML 32-bit Floating-point

Export File Formats: 173
- BMP 8-bit Indexed
- BMP 24-bit RGB
- BMP 32-bit RGB
- BMP Epic 16-bit Grayscale
- GIF 8-bit Indexed
- JPG 8-bit Grayscale
- JPG 24-bit RGB
- JXR 8-bit Grayscale
- JXR 16-bit Grayscale
- JXR 32-bit Grayscale Float
- JXR 24-bit BGR
- JXR 24-bit RGB
- JXR 32-bit BGR
- JXR 32-bit BGRA
- JXR 48-bit RGB
- JXR 64-bit RGB
- JXR 128-bit RGB Float
- JXR 128-bit RGBA Float
- PNG 8-bit Grayscale
- PNG 16-bit Grayscale
- PNG 8-bit Indexed
- PNG 24-bit RGB
- PNG 32-bit RGBA
- PNG 48-bit RGB
- PNG 64-bit RGBA
- TIF 8-bit Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 16-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Signed Grayscale
- TIF 64-bit Unsigned Grayscale
- TIF 32-bit Float
- TIF 64-bit Float
- TIF 8-bit Indexed
- TIF 24-bit RGB
- TIF 32-bit RGBA
- TIF 48-bit RGB
- TIF 64-bit RGBA
- 3DS Autodesk 3DS Mesh
- ASC ASCII Text colon
- ASC ASCII Text comma
- ASC ASCII Text pipe
- ASC ASCII Text semicolon
- ASC ASCII Text space
- ASC ASCII Text tab
- ASE Autodesk Scene Export
- BIL 8-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 16-bit Binary DEM
- BIL 32-bit Binary DEM
- BLW DEM World File
- BT 16-bit Binary Terrain
- CSV Comma Separated Value Text
- DEM VistaPro DEM
- DSV ASCII Text colon
- DSV ASCII Text comma
- DSV ASCII Text pipe
- DSV ASCII Text semicolon
- DSV ASCII Text space
- DSV ASCII Text tab
- FBX Autodesk ASCII Mesh 7.4.0
- FLT GridFloat DEM
- GeoTIFF 8-bit DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 16-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Signed DEM
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Unsigned DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM
- GeoTIFF 32-bit Float DEM Tiled
- GeoTIFF 64-bit Float DEM
- HDR DEM Header File
- OBJ Alias Object Mesh
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 BW
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G8
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G8A
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G16
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 G16A
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGB24
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGBA32
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGB48
- PAM Portable ASCII P7 RGBA64
- PBM Portable Bitmap P1 BW
- PBM Portable Bitmap P4 BW
- PFM Portable Floatmap Pf G32
- PFM Portable Floatmap PF RGB96
- PGM Portable Graymap P2 G8
- PGM Portable Graymap P2 G16
- PGM Portable Graymap P5 G8
- PGM Portable Graymap P5 G16
- PNM Portable Anymap (21 formats)
- PPM Portable Pixmap P3 RGB24
- PPM Portable Pixmap P3 RGB48
- PPM Portable Pixmap P6 RGB24
- PPM Portable Pixmap P6 RGB48
- PRJ DEM Projection File
- PSV ASCII Text pipe
- R8 8-bit Raw
- R8 8-bit Raw Interleaved
- R16 signed 16-bit RAW
- R16 signed 16-bit RAW Interleaved
- R16 unsigned 16-bit RAW
- R16 unsigned 16-bit RAW Interleaved
- R32 signed 32-bit RAW
- R32 signed 32-bit RAW Interleaved
- R32 unsigned 32-bit RAW
- R32 unsigned 32-bit RAW Interleaved
- R64 signed 64-bit RAW
- R64 signed 64-bit RAW Interleaved
- R64 unsigned 64-bit RAW
- R64 unsigned 64-bit RAW Interleaved
- RAW 8-bit
- RAW 8-bit Interleaved
- RAW signed 16-bit
- RAW signed 16-bit Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 16-bit
- RAW unsigned 16-bit Interleaved
- RAW signed 32-bit Integer
- RAW signed 32-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Integer
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW signed 64-bit Integer
- RAW signed 64-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Integer
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Integer Interleaved
- RAW signed 32-bit Float
- RAW signed 32-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Float
- RAW unsigned 32-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW signed 64-bit Float
- RAW signed 64-bit Float Interleaved
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Float
- RAW unsigned 64-bit Float Interleaved
- RGB16 16-bit PNG RGB Heightmap
- RBG24 24-bit PNG RGB Heightmap
- RSV ASCII Text record
- SB SignedByte RAW
- SSV ASCII Text semicolon
- STL StereoLitho ASCII
- STL StereoLitho Binary
- T3D Epic 3D Terrain
- TAB Tab Separated Value Text
- TER Terragen Terrain
- TGA 8-bit Colormap
- TGA 8-bit Grayscale
- TGA 16-bit Grayscale
- TGA 32-bit Grayscale
- TGA 24-bit RGB
- TGA 32-bit RGBA
- TSV Tab Separated Value Text
- TXT ASCII Text colon
- TXT ASCII Text comma
- TXT ASCII Text pipe
- TXT ASCII Text semicolon
- TXT ASCII Text space
- TXT ASCII Text tab
- XML 8-bit Byte
- XML 16-bit Unsigned Short
- XML 32-bit Floating-point
- XYZ ASCII Text colon
- XYZ ASCII Text comma
- XYZ ASCII Text pipe
- XYZ ASCII Text semicolon
- XYZ ASCII Text space
- XYZ ASCII Text tab