
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is TerreSculptor Free?
A. TerreSculptor 3.0 is retail software and can be purchased from the online Shopify store. TerreSculptor 3.0 has many advanced features not available in Version 2.0.
TerreSculptor 2.0 is still free and can be used for personal, commercial, or academic use at no cost.

Q. Is there a Mac Version or can I use Windows VMs?
A. TerreSculptor is available on the Windows platform only.
See the System Requirements page for a complete list of requirements.
TerreSculptor will however run on the Apple Mac platform using the Parallels Desktop app and Windows 10 or 11. TerreSculptor is fully tested on this setup.
Be sure to either set the Windows Screen Scaling to 100% or apply the High DPI Display fix to the exe file as listed below. Be sure to set the Parallels Desktop mouse setting to “Optimize for Games“.
Be sure to map the Mac Host shares as drive letters in the Windows VM to avoid UNC name access issues.

Q. Does the software support a High DPI Display?
A. Yes. TerreSculptor supports High DPI on Windows 10 and later.
If the software does not render correctly on the High DPI Display with high Screen Scaling Percentages, then try the following steps.
Locate the TerreSculptor.exe file in the installation folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Demenzun Media.
Right-click on the TerreSculptor.exe file in the install folder, choose Properties, choose the Compatibility tab, click on Change High DPI Settings, enable the High DPI Scaling Override, and set it to System (Enhanced).
Run the software again and verify that it is rendering correctly at High DPI.

Q. What are the Maximum Dimensions?
A. The main heightmap editor maximum dimensions are 1 Million × 1 Million units (pixels, kms, miles, etc) which is a 4000GB heightmap.
The main editor code system is capable of a heightmap that is 2 Billion × 2 Billion (18 Exabytes).

The PNG [New] Image API has a maximum size limitation of 1 Million × 1 Million pixels.
The TIF [New] Image API has a maximum size limitation of 240,000 × 240,000 pixels.

The Windows Image APIs for BMP, GIF, JPG, JRX, PNG, TIF have a maximum size limitation of:
– RGBA 2GB 23170×23170
– RGB 2GB 26754×26754
– Gray-16 2GB 32767×32767
– Gray-8 2GB 46340×46340

The Targa TGA format has a maximum resolution of 65535×65535

The Terragen TER format has a maximum resolution of 65535×65535